Sunday, 18 March 2012

While we were out

Things have been pretty quiet on the blog lately, as Drew and I found ourselves stretched pretty thin by our respective professional responsibilities. Sadly, these responsibilities were not beer-related, but the associated travel did provide some opportunities to sample great brews elsewhere in Canada and the US. Drew had the opportunity to sample Dieu du Ciel!'s stellar Peche Mortel (apologies for the lack of French accents... I'm afraid to use the French keyboard) on tap at their brew pub in Montreal, while I became more familiar with the American craft beer scene in the Washington, DC, area (more on this in a future post).

Some great things have been happening on the home front while we were away. While the name had been out there for a bit, more details started to emerge regarding Bridge Brewing Company, an environmentally-conscious microbrewery in the vein of Les Brasseurs du Nord in Quebec, slated to begin operation this summer in north-end Halifax. We're very excited to try their Yardstick Ale as soon as possible! (Side note: I believe this beer was previously called 'Conception Ale,' as it is the beer the brewery was conceived upon. Name change due to potential perception as some kind of baby-making brew?)

As well, Garrison recently released their Ol' Fog Burner Barley Wine, and will soon release their Sugar Moon Maple Ale. The latter pairs extremely well with waffles, and is our top pick for a Haligonian breakfast beer. Both we and our waffle makers are giddy with excitement. 

Anyway, while it was great to travel and try some new beers, it's good to be back - we missed you, Halifax craft beer community!

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